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Laufende Kosten Immobilien in Versilia


Before you decide to buy a property abroad, it is important that you also find out about the ongoing costs. In addition to the individual costs for electricity, gas, water, telephone, etc., there are also taxes and duties.


To give you an idea of what has to be paid for in Italy, you will find a list below.

Taxes and Fees

  • Imposta Minucipale IMU (Property Tax)

In Italy, a distinction is made as to whether you live in the property or whether you use it as a second home. So you can only list a property as your primary residence if you have your residence/residence there. If you use the house as a second home, you are obliged to pay the "IMU". This tax is approximately 7.6% of the property's cadastral income, but each municipality can decide this , so the tax rate varies by municipality. Property tax is paid using the ModuloF24 form, either by bank transfer or at the post office.

  • Tassa sui Rifuiti TARI (waste fee)

This fee also varies by municipality. It is calculated together from the size of the living space and the number of people living in the property. However, municipalities can also add other factors to the calculation.


  • Household contents or buildings insurance

It is advisable to take out contents or buildings insurance. The annual costs for this are around 180 to 380 euros.

Water, Electricity and Gas

  • Water

The company responsible for the water supply in Versilia, Massa and Carrara is Gaia SpA. Ask the previous owner of the property about the approximate cost to have an idea of your additional annual expenses before you buy.

  • Electricity and Gas

Every homeowner in Italy can choose the electricity and gas supply company themselves. You can compare different companies or you ask the previous owner of your property which provider he used and about the approximate costs in order to have an idea of your additional annual expenses before you buy.


In order to register with these companies, it is advisable to work with the previous owner of the property and make a changement of name (instead of a new registration). This saves you administrative work.

Property Management

If you need a property management in the area Viareggio - Camaiore - Pietrasanta - Forte dei Marmi - Massa - Carrara and the surrounding area in Tuscany we are happy to help!

You have further questions about the ongoing costs of a property

or need a English speaking realtor?

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